“MAK” AD is a vertically integrated company that produces raw fabrics, with production lines for finishing - dyeing and printing fabrics, with a variety of enrichment technologies, including – hydro/oleophobic coating, lamination, antibacterial finishing, flammability reduction, treatment against insects (mosquitoes) and etc. The cycle closes with the production of ready-to-wear garments like military and police uniforms, workwear of all kinds and leisure and sportswear.

Completed projects
• "Increasing the competitiveness of the company “MAK” AD through technological modernization of the production process"
• "Safe and healthy work environment at “MAK” AD"
Currently / Up-to-date
“MAK” AD announces a procedure for "Selection of a contractor for delivery of mobile dust collector systems - 3 lines" in implementation of a project under OP "Human Resource Development". The procedure is announced in connection with the implementation of project BG05M9OP001-1.008-2400-C01 "MAK AD with new better and safer working conditions". The invitation and documentation for participation can be downloaded HERE or at the address of the single information portal for general information on the management of the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund of the European Union of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Ongoing projects
• MAK AD implements project BG16RFOP002-2.001-0147-C01 "Improving the production capacity and enhancing the export potential of MAK Plc - Gabrovo"

• The Company implements a project: "MAC AD with New Better and Safer Working Conditions", under contract BG05M9OP001-1.008-2400 of 09.06.2017, financed by procedure BG05M9OP001-1.008 "Good and Safe Working Conditions" of the Operational Human Resources Development Program 2014-2020.
Total project value: 374 164.25 BGN,
of which BGN 318 039.61 is European and
56 124.64 BGN national co-financing.
Start: 09/06/2017, End: 31/12/2018

From the selection of products and raw materials through the production of raw fabrics and finishing and the selection of technical equipment and processes, management is guided by:
• rational use of materials and resources, including water and energy
• Reducing or limiting the waste generation and the degree of its hazard
• Reducing or limiting the use of hazardous substances in production processes
Particular attention is paid to processes and activities that are related to significant aspects of the environment. They are subject to appropriate regulations, instructions and technologies to ensure that environmental requirements, policies and environmental objectives are met.
The management of MAK AD plans and controls the implementation of general and specific environmental objectives and environmental programs for the fulfillment of these goals.

Gabrovo 5300
9, Treti Mart blvd
Technical secretary:
+359 66 801 264
Marketing: Fabrics
+359 66 801 244
Marketing: Garments
+359 66 801 250
+359 66 801 246